Client: Friendly Families Nursery Collaborators: Friendly Families Nursery, Local families
Friendly Families is a parent-led nursery school in Deptford, SE London transforming how EY provision works in the UK. In 2015 the Play Build Play team worked with experts from New Economics Foundation and Coram Families to support local parents on a Peabody estate to imagine, design, build and run their own nursery school, professionally managed and fully integrated into the community.
The Friendly Families Stay and Play is a complimentary offer for local families whose children are not in the main nursery. Combining both creative sensory play with community building methodologies we have created a community of families learning together and supporting each other. Running weekly sessions, the kit of large scale loose parts, which Play Build Play has designed especially for this setting, allow children and their families to engage in exciting sensory play together, becoming collaborators and co-creators of their own environments. Alongside the play for kids Play Build Play facilitates collaborative build activities for the adults.